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The Norwegian Way of Having Fun – About Factory Light Festival

Factory Light Festival is an independent light festival in Slemmestad, Norway, showcasing the best artistic video mapping and light installations to be found on the post-industrial canvas of a cement factory. The festival is embraced by the local community and provides a unique haven for the development of exploratory art within a professional festival, tightly integrated into the international art scene.  The organizers collaborate with passionate artists to continue their development and showcase the results in September each year. Factory Light wants to share their amazing festival with some of the world’s most promising video mappers. Artists bring the talent, they provide the hardware and a silo. Together they show the world what artists can do (and have an awesome Norwegian time doing it)! Limelight is invited to several light festivals each year, and we’ve been to so many, small, huge – all of them are different and every one of them are unique in their own way. I met Craig, the festival director of Factory Light Festival at different light festivals, we also held a presentation together at a conference in Aberdeen this year, and I fell in love with this little art festival more and more each time he told me about it. Visiting Norway has always been on my bucket list, nature is breathtaking here. And then, there is this totally independent light festival in an amazing setting of nature and a gigantic industrial building, an abandoned cement factory silo. It’s beautiful and apocalyptic at the same time, and this topped with a wonderful team of enthusiastic organisers we had amazing chemistry with from the very start. Factory Light was the festival where we hadn’t even talked about conditions before we knew we wanted to do it. I personally wanted us to do it, and the whole team was like, “fuck yeah, we definitely have to do something there!” This happened in February this year, and a few months later the idea of Limelight Academy was born, which was received with the same enthusiasm from the organisers of the festival as we felt. Even writing about it gives me butterflies – it’s only a few days away and we can finally see the amazing artworks that were created by our applicants and Csaba, our Art Director. I can’t wait!

Factory Light Festival in numbers:

Population of Slemmestad, Norway: 8000

Number of attendees at the festival in 2017: 8000

15-25 productions each year including 10 new commissions

Organizers: 25% – private, 25% – municipality, 50% – volunteers

The festival is kicking off on September 14, and we can’t wait to show you the results of our Projection Mapping Masterclass.

September 10, 2018



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World Record Breaking producers of the brightest, most powerful projector stack ever assembled in the United States.
World Record Breaking producers of the brightest, most powerful projector stack ever assembled in the United States.